The Board of Land and Natural Resources is meeting this upcoming Friday (December 8th), and there are some concerning items related to the “Coco Palms” project on the agenda:

  • The BLNR is considering issuing of Term, Non-Exclusive, Easements to the RP21 Coco Palms LLC Developers for two state parcels (TMK 4-1-003:044 and 4-1-005:017). These easements will assist these developers in their plans for a hotel on the corner in Wailua through the use of these public lands. 

  • The BLNR is also considering issuing these developers Revocable Permits (RPs) for and the sale of the Lease at public auction for the Kuamoo Rd corner state parcel (TMK  4-1-003:017). 

  • In addition to these two items the BLNR is also considering granting these developers “Immediate Right-of-Entry” for three state parcels to utilize public lands in the development of their 350 room hotel. (TMKs 4-1-003:044, 4-1-003:017 and 4- 1-005:por.017)

More concerning still: from the submittals accompanying these items, it appears that the departmental staff recommendation is to proceed with these items and grant the permits, easements, and right-of-entry to the developers.

Please submit testimony, no later than this Wednesday, December 7 2023, at 9 AM HST to blnr.testimony@hawaii.gov. Please strongly oppose the use of these public lands for resort development and remind BLNR that allowing the developers to use these public lands for the resort will have impacts on the community and the environment. 

We’re not giving up hope!  The staff recommendation is just that - a recommendation. The Board will receive community testimony before making its decision one way or another.  Please join us in urging the Board to make the right decision for the community and for the ʻāina. Submit your testimony and request the following:

  1. That these leases and permits should NOT be granted to RP21; and

  2. That if they are granted to anyone, the Board MUST require the recipients to do an environmental assessment in compliance with HRS343.

There are so many reasons not to use these lands for resort-related purposes, but it’s essential to focus right now on the points that will matter most to the BLNR.  In our opinion, those are:

  • The further development and hardening of these wetland ecosystems degrades the resilience and environmental services that this sensitive environment provides.

  • The development of these coastal lands will negatively impact our resiliency to sea level rise and climate impacts in the coming decades. 

  • Allowing the use of these State lands in conjunction with the planned resort commercial development will contribute directly to increased impacts on the shoreline, nearshore water quality, and further degrade existing cultural, historical, and archeological elements.

  • These lands are situated in environmentally sensitive areas with unquestionable historical and cultural significance. They are located in a coastal tsunami zone, clearly impacted by issues relating to sea level rise, adjacent to wetland areas, currently and historically impacted by frequent flooding, known habitats for rare native birds, and include ancient fishponds and waterways that connect to and ultimately drain into the Wailua River and nearby ocean

Please email your testimony to blnr.testimony@hawaii.gov no later than Wednesday, December 7 at 9 AM HST, and include the agenda item (D-6) in your subject.  Or, you can testify in person at the meeting on December 8 at 8:45 AM, at 1151 Punchbowl St. Room 132 (Kalanimoku Building), Honolulu, Hawaii. You can also attend the meeting virtually via Zoom link, the meeting ID is 883 8062 9451.


IOW president moʻolelo


CALL TO ACTION: developers holding community meeting